Advokatska kancelarija Đorđe Latinović

Kada imate problem, mi smo rješenje

Senior partner, CEO

Djorđe Latinović

Đrorđe is the founder of Godsmen and has also won 90% of law cases fron 2013 to present.
She has been the successful counsel on several ground breaking cases in Indiana, including winning precedent setting cases on child abduction , property division, child alienation and child support.

Why Choose Us

Professional Team

Godsmen is comprised of dedicated lawyers who have experience, creativity and determination.

Community Service

We have volunteered for a variety of causes, including multiculturalism, breast cancer awareness etc.

Great Price

Whatever your plan is, our theme makes it simple to combine, rearrange and.

Great Legal Advice

Our hard work and modern approach to the law give us the edge to help you achieve your goals.

Besplatne konsultacije

Maršala Tita 1000, Banja Luka, BiH, Evropa, Zemlja

Tel: +387-65-123-456: | Fax: +387-51-123-456 | E-mail: